So anyway, I really want to resume the Bulgarian style of training but honestly it's just not appealing to me. Personally, I don't really lift well with a calm mindset. It's just not me. No offence to the calm lifters, I think being able to lift calmly is great but I really really like the loud music and the "Destroy everything" mentality. So next step is to fix my iPhone's Bluetooth. Shit is not able to connect to my wireless headset. So for now no music and minimum psych still. Also no legit spotters so no motivation to max out.
Moving forward, I guess I will go back on Russian Squat Routine (not using real Max) and this time add in more back accessories and mobility work. Gonna foam roll my quads regularly and do my butterfly stretches. Also benching close grip with pause to get my triceps up again and with tons of rear delts work. Deadlift will be lowered to fix my form and prevent CNS from burning out. Shoutout to Josiah for volunteering to help clean up my form. Also currently meal prepping and leaning out, already tighten my belt by a notch. Lost some squat leverages but we will see as the weeks goes by and with higher frequency.