
Thursday, 31 January 2013


Delts on tues. Forgot to record. Did 70x12 for press. Getting stronger. No creatine as of now. Then did seated press with 35*6 for 3 sets and one more dropset. Did laterals 10,7.5,5*10 for 3 sets. Then did some cable laterals. Finish off with rear delt flyes.

Chest day

Today is a good day. set a new PR. 100kg for 12 reps.
Db incline bench
Machine flyes
5sets of 12 with 54,dropset for last set.
Gaspari superpump max seems to work okay but I missed horsepower.

Monday, 28 January 2013

SquatMeat and Legs

Squatted today again after Squat meat. On Squat meat, I did 160kg for 1rm and 100 for 23 reps. Today I did 100x5,110x5, 130kg x 5, and then 130x3, 100x20 and 60x30. Then i did step ups with 40kg step ups for 10x3. After that I did leg curls for 4 sets and leg extension for 3 sets to failure.

Some backlog to clear. I did bench 110 for 8 reps. Quite pleased. Look forward to next chest day!

Monday, 21 January 2013


Feeling very weak from my lack of food intake for the past week. Daily calories was freaking low due to my sore throat. Cough non stop. Dry cough mostly. Anyway tried to do 5/3/1 but the min I put on 110kg, it felt heavy. A bit demoralized and like Tim and Lim Biao point out, I was a bit shaky. At first was legs then as I do more, it became the upper back but it improved afterwards. 

137.5*1 (almost failed if not for Tim)


Did step ups with 60kg for 3 sets of 5 for each leg.
Single leg press with 50kg for 5 reps per leg for 3 sets and then did 10 reps *2 sets
Hamstring curl for 3 sets 
Leg extensions 3 dropsets

Legs pumped as hell but feeling shiok.


Saturday, 19 January 2013


Deadlifts for form.

100,110,120,130. Form check all the way. Getting better but can be even better. Heavy lats pulldown. Follow by back extension for sets of 8 with two bands.

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Guns and shield (wed/thurs)

Tricep extension with 15kg db, 10x3 + last set being dropset
Lying tricep extension with 15kg db, 3x10
Tricep pushdown, 2 sets of 12
Hammer curl  with 30, 3 sets of 6, last set 8, then dropset
Preacher curl 10kg, 2 sets of 10

Bench press 5/3/1
82.5x5,95x3,105x8(last rep spotted by jeremy)
pause benching 60kg, 3 sets of 8,8,10
incline bench 35kg, 3 sets of 6, dropset on last set
dips 15x3
cable flyes light 3x12

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Delts and boulders

1. Presses: 50x5,60x3,70x9.
2. Db press with 30kg: 9,7,7,6
3. Lateral raises drop sets x3 with 10,7.5,5 (10 reps each or more)
4. Machine lateral raise: 20,20,25
5. Rear cable delt: 1x20 then switched to facepull did another set of 20.

Gonna work on delts and arms again tmr.

Monday, 14 January 2013

Leg day

5/3/1 week 2. 5 reps with 100, 3 reps with 115 and 5 reps with 130kg. Slowly getting my strength back. After which did leg press with 50kg each leg for 5 reps, did 5 sets. went deeper today for more stretch. Did step ups 10 reps per leg with 40kg. End off with 3 sets of hamstring curlsssssssssss... Can't wait for friday's tug of war!

Thursday, 10 January 2013


Current program is following 5/3/1 plus 2-3 more exercises in a bodybuilder split. 
Squat: 100x5,110x5,120x8
Single Leg Press: 75kg x 10 reps x 5 sets (dropping to 50kg for the last two sets)
Hamstring curls: never count but aches like hell. till now.

Press: 50x5,60x5,65x10
Db press: 22.5kgx8repsx3sets
Lateral raise: 3 dropsets, 10kgx10,7.5kgx10,5kgx10
Rear Delts: 3 sets of 10 reps

Rear cable delts: 6.75x10repsx3sets
Rear delts: 3 sets of 10 reps
Laterals: 2 dropsets with 10,7.5,5
Biceps ez curls: 10kg a side, 3x10
Preacher curl: 2 sets of 10

Incline bench press: 30x8x3sets,1 dropset(30x8,20x3,10x5) WEAK LOL
Dips: 3 sets of 6
Decline press: 60kgx10x3 sets 
Machine flyes: 3 sets of 10 with 75

Monday, 7 January 2013

First post after break

Had my first session. Very out of breath and strength has dropped. The weights doesn't feel as light as before. Doing 5/3/1 and a few other exercises with BB-style. Did squats. 2 sets 5 reps of 100, 5 reps of 110 and 8 reps with 120. Almost gave up lol but finished it. The weight felt really hard and I failed on the last rep (aiming to go 10). Did leg press (single leg) with 75kg. Did 5 sets of 10 but reps dropped as the sets go by an I extended each set by lowering the weights. Finished off with hamstring curls. Squeeze the crap out in my last set. Still feeling it now