
Tuesday 23 October 2012

Boulders. You need to strive for boulders

Just had delts day. U need boulders, not shoulders. Remember that. Had a short workout first due to rushing off to a meeting. Aim to continue after class to finish up with laterals and rear delts. We want that popping delts. Anyway genetcally not primed to have good delts due to sloping shoulders but we work with what we have right? Phil Heath is known to have sloping shoulders too and look at where he is now.

Anyways rep scheme for military press is shown as below:

5 reps of 60kg
3 reps of 67.5kg
3 reps of 75kg

Felt good. And did 8 sets of 3 reps of 60kg for pause press (lower for 2-3 secs, pause for 2-3 secs, explode, repeat).

                                                             Here is a vid of me pressing.

Personally I always like pressing and benching (yeah i am more of a press guy than a pull guy), nothing is more manly than lifting a heavy ass weight over your head and locking out. Looking forward to the latter part of laterals and rear delt work.

One last point to share in case there are any random viewers ( hi there!), shoulders grow best under Time Under Tension (total volume and intensity). The reps may not go high but pausing really help to develop. Also, do not focus too much on the front delts (too much work from bench and presses), bring up the rear which is lagging by doing face pulls and rear delt work.

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