Well.. Suppose to be 5/3/1 but strained my back real bad. Hard to bend down. Really grateful for Tim for pressing my lower back and glutes, it did release some pain for me. Thanks Tim, I will foam roll every session now and pray that my injury is nth too serious.
Conventional Deadlift
60 * 10 * 2
100 * 5 * 2
140 * 5 * 2
Form quite bad so lowered reps
140 * 3 * 2
Will take Tim's advice to bring the chest up and position my head neutral to set my hips lower. Still initiating the pull with my lower back instead of driving the weights up with my legs. After I recover from my strained back I will work with a lighter weight.. Say 120-130. Whichever allows me to learn to use my legs to start off the motion.
Sumo deadlifts (Reps)
140 * 10
First few reps was pretty okay. Set up was better than last week according to Tim and the video agrees with Tim, however, I need to reset after every rep as my body gets pulled forth by the weight which gives me problem toward the later part of the reps as my body is way over the bar. Got to remember this point well so I decided to pull more to reinforce the good habit.
140 * 5 with reset for each rep
140 * 2 with reset + snap city
Strained my lower back as I was about to pull my 3rd rep. Got worried as I can't even bend down or lower my body and Tim helped me to press. Can't even stand up by myself.
Went to do some lats pull down because I didn't want to end my training there. Yes very stubborn.
Lats pull
65 * 12 * 2
Controlled reps, more on focusing the squeeze.
More pressing by Tim and stepping by Tim.
Lesson learnt today: to reset every rep and to work on my lower back more. Technique work can't be rushed. Lastly, on a point not directly related to lifting but self development as a person, I may not express myself well enough and may often come across as defensive so I hereby ask my friends for forgiveness cause I do agree with the points they made and should really pay attention to how I reply them to reduce the amount of misunderstanding.
With that said, I will let my numbers do the talking.