
Wednesday, 29 January 2014


Bar * 10 * 2
60 * 5
70 * 3
82.5 * 5
85 * 4
87.5 * 3
90 * 2
100 * 0 (failed)

Back down set
80 * 3
85 * 2
90 * 4 (PR)

Hammer curl
17.5 * 10 * 3

Front squats
60 * 5
80 * 5
90 * 3 * 5

90kg * 4 (PR)

Bitter sweet PR. Lots on my mind. 

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Squats (speed)

Squatting today instead of deadlift cause my biceps are aching. Could be from the rack pulls.

60kg pause squats to warmup along with hips flexor stretch
80kg pause
100 * 3
120 * 2 * 10 (RPE 6-7)
130 * 2
140 * 2
150 * 2
160 * 2

Pause squats (3sec)
120 * 3
130 * 3 * 2
120 * 3 * 2

100 * 10 (keeping tension on the quads)

Monday, 27 January 2014

Dan Green Bench Program week 5

Really need to take my supps. After a long day need some caffeine. Reps are much slower today too.

Pause bench
Bar * 10 * 2
60 * 10
80 * 5
100 * 3
110 * 3
125 * 6 * 3

Touch and go
125 * 3
125 * 4 * 5

Wide grip pause bench
100 * 6 * 3
Felt easier today

Inlince db bench
30 * 15 * 3

Saturday, 25 January 2014

Push Press + Pause Squat

Really gotta stop testing and focus on building..

Push press. Gotta learn to connect the leg drive to the lockout.

Hit a 105kg which is sad since my press is 102.5kg

Pause squat. Hit a 150kg beltless and missed 155kg...

Friday, 24 January 2014

Squat (Beltless PR)

Today's squat session started off rough. Especially since it is beltless work, when I stood underneath that 145kg, damn, it felt heavy as fuck. Man up and make small increments and hey! PR.

60kg * 5 (paused)
80kg  * 5 (paused)
100 * 3 
120 * 3
130 * 3
140 * 3
145 * 3
150 * 3
152.5 * 3
155 * 3
157.5 * 3 (Beltless PR, previous was 150kg * 2)

Pause squats 
130 * 3 * 8 (3secs pause)

ATG squats
100 * 10 * 3

Foam rolling. Felt good. Progress is good. 

145 * 3

150 * 3

152.5 * 3

155 * 3

157.5kg * 3 (PR)

Pause squat 130kg * 3 

Pause squat 130kg * 3

Pause squat 130kg * 3

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Press for 21/1/2013 and 22/1/2013 and Pause squats

Did 5/4/3/2/1 with Abel last night when he came to SMU gym

70 * 5
75 * 4
80 * 3
85 * 2
90 * 1
95 * 1
95 * 0 (Failed)

Klokov Press PR

Press PR 
Warm up to 70 * 3
80 * 1
90 * 1
102.5 * 1
Sorry for the bang, got a bit dizzy and get let it go. Anyway this PR means a lot to me.. 100kg was a barrier to me. Now on to 110kg.

120 * 3 (3secs pause) * 5
100 * 3 (8secs pause) * 3

Tuesday, 21 January 2014


12 sets of 140-150kg * 3
Snatch grip deadlifts 
100 * 6 * 5
Kroc rows 
30 * 20 * 3
40 * 15 * 2

Monday, 20 January 2014

Dan Green Bench Program Week 4

Pause Bench 
Bar * 10 * 2
60 * 5
80 * 5
100 * 5
122.5 * 6 * 3 

Touch and go
122.5 * 4 * 6 (5th set was 3 reps, cramped up a bit)

Wide grip pause bench
100 * 6 * 3
100 * 5


Incline db press
30 * 15/20/16

Saturday, 18 January 2014



Bar * 10 * 2
40 * 5
60 * 5
70 * 3
75 * 5
80 * 4
85 * 3
87.5 * 2
90 * 1
80 * 3
85 * 2
90 * 1 (best rep so far for today)
80 * 3
85 * 2
87.5 * 1 

Kroc row
40 * 20 * 3

Hammer curl
12.5 * 12
15 * 12
17.5 * 12 * 3

With Sam (30s)
60 * 5 


155 * 3 * 8

Deficit (work on the form)
Did some triples with 100

Pulled some sumo. Form need to be worked on. Sets of singles. 

Wednesday, 15 January 2014


Bar * 10 * 2
40 * 5
60 * 5
70 * 3
75 * 5
80 * 4
85 * 3
90 * 1
90 * 2 (PR)
80 * 3
82.5 * 2
85 * 1
80 * 3
82.5 * 2
85 * 1

10 * 5

5 sets of plank

Tuesday, 14 January 2014


Squat warm up with Paused reps
140kg * 2 
150kg * 1
160kg * 1
170kg * 1
175kg failed

Paused squat 
130 * 2 (3sec pause) * 2
130 * 1 (failed 2nd rep because Bryan counted 5sec pause) 
120 * 2 * 1
120 * 3
120 * 2 * 2

Plank with 50kg * 2 (30s) 
Plank with mus on top (30s)

Monday, 13 January 2014

Dan Green Bench Program Week 3

Warmup with bands

Pause Bench
Bar * 10 * 2 normal
60 * 5 paused
80 * 5 paused
100 * 3 paused
120 * 6 * 3 paused

Touch and go bench
120 * 4 * 5
120 * 3

Wide grip pause bench
100 * 6/5/4/3

Weak as fuck for that. Will need to fix the tuck and flare.

Incline db benchpress
30 * 12 * 3

Barbell curls
40 * 12
50 * 8
40 * 10 * 3

Saturday, 11 January 2014


70 * 5
75 * 4
80 * 3
85 * 2
90 * 1
95 * 0 (stuck...)
80 * 3
82.5 * 2
85 * 1
77.5 * 3
80 * 2
82.5 * 1

Weighted plank
4 sets 

Friday, 10 January 2014


150 * 3 * 10 

100 * 3 * 8 

100 * 3 * 2

Kroc rows
30 * 20 * 3

Weighted plank (50kg)
30-40s * 4 + 10s

Wednesday, 8 January 2014


Warm up with bar
40 * 5
60 * 5 
70 * 5
75 * 5
80 * 4
85 * 3
87.5 * 2
90 * 1 (knees dip a bit)
90 * 0 (got dizzy)
80 * 3
82.5 * 2
85 * 1
75 * 3
80 * 2
82.5 * 1

17.5 * 10 * 5

Hanging leg raise
10 * 4

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Squat until pants split

Warmup with paused squats 
80 * 5
100 * 5
120 * 5
130 * 5 (shorts split) 

Changed shorts
140 * 3 (shorts threaten to split again) 
120 * 3 * 3 (3sec pause)
120 * 5 * 5 (normal)
120 * 2 * 8 (3s pause)

Dragon flag 
10 * 4

Dan green bp week 2

117.5 * 6 * 3
Touch and go 
117.5 * 4 * 6
Wide grip pause
100 * 5 * 5 (last set is 4 reps)
Incline db
30 * 12 * 3

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Press (Test 1rm for program)

Tested out my pressing strength to see how much it dropped. Pleasantly surprised that it didn't drop as much. Triceps, Chest, Legs and Back still aching though. FML. Probably gonna have to structure my lifts as followed:

1) Bench + Arms
2) Squat
3) Press
4) Deadlift + Squat

Bar * 10 * 2
30 * 10
40 * 5
50 * 5
60 * 5
70 * 5
80 * 3
90 * 1
95 * 1

Behind Neck Press
60 * 5 * 5

Face pull
20 * 8

Sled pulls with Mus sitting on top, 6 * 20m

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Squats 6 sets of 4


40,60,80,90 paused
110 * 4
120 * 4
130 * 4
140 * 4 * 6

Pause squats (3s)
120 * 3
120 * 2
110 * 3 * 4

Oly squats
110 * 6
90 * 8 * 2

10 * 5

Back extension SS sit-ups
10/10 * 5

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Dan green bench program week 1.

Playing around with the numbers for today. Trying to find what felt good. 

Pause bench 
125 * 6
115 * 6 * 3

125kg felt hard, so lowered the number down to 115, will add 2.5kg every week, planning to hit a 135kg * 6 paused after 8 weeks. Ideally. 

Touch and go bench 
115 * 4 * 6

Wide grip paused bench 
115 * 3 (weak as fuck, left elbow kept flaring out)
100 * 6 * 3 (last 2 sets is rest pause 3/3)

Gotta work on the wide grip bench, once I bring this up, my raw strength will improve even more.

Incline Db press
35 * 15 * 2 (10/5 for both sets) 

Bicep curls 
10 * 10 * 2
17.5 * 10 * 3

BW * 15 * 5

Gonna add 2.5 every week and hopefully see a better paused bench after 12 weeks :)