
Thursday, 12 June 2014

Bench and Thoughts

Triceps and anterior delts feeling weird recently. Not sure if it's cause of the heavy benching or cause of the sudden high volume of pressing done that day... Taking quite a while to recover. On a positive note I still managed to grind out a 150kg... Which should have been a double..

Bench (pause) 
120 * 3
140 * 1
150 * 1 
140 * 1 * 5

120 * 3 * 5 (paused triples)

Close grip bench (paused)
100 * 5 * 5

Incline db benchpress
17.5 * 15 * 3

Tricep pushdowns
15 * 3 SS with face pulls

Edit: After communicating with Gary (@dyel74 on IG) I decided to cycle the reps to hit on each session instead of a heavy single, so heavy double, triples instead. And also with Twain's suggestion to lower the max single to say 142.5-145kg and make that weight look like a speed rep before slowly moving up. That makes lot of sense to me so gonna add that aspect into my training. Another part to take note is the stress on my joints so gonna work more on my rotator cuffs + bring up my arms with more accessories. Technique work with the relatively lighter weights which I believe will carry over well to my 1RM (DUH). 

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