
Thursday, 2 May 2013

Bench. Cube week 1.

Trained at Fitlion gym at bedok. Gym is small. Luckily we have all we need. First did our warmups of push-ups, band pushdown and band pull aparts, 2 rounds of 15 each. Then did 2 board press with 67.5,80,95,107.5(working weight) for 5,4,3,2 reps. 107.5kg for 3 sets of 2 and 110kg for 3 sets of 2. No leg drive (to simulate floor press and narrower grip). Personally I feel pretty stable but Bryan and Twain commented I can be tighter still. 2 sets of 15 with 80kg normal benching. Then did lats pull down with 14.14.13 for 3 sets of 12 (14 being Bryan's BW). Band pushdown for 5 sets of 20 (suppose to be 4 sets of 25, I misread). 3 sets of 15 reps shrug. cannot even feel it move LOL. Ended off with 3 sets of press (40,50,40) for 12 reps. Had dinner at Smokey's. ribs can be bigger though.

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